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Stage ERC 216zi (1)

Electric pedestrian controlled truck 1,4 - 1.6t

Visi modeliai
Pasirinkite modelį
  • Visi modeliai
  • ERC 214zi
  • ERC 216zi
  • 2400 - 6000 mm
  • 1400 - 1600 kg
  • Kompaktiškas ir galingas dėl ličio jonų akumuliatoriaus.
  • Didelis perkrovimo našumas dėl dviejų padėklų gabenimo vienu metu.
  • Didesnė prošvaisa, leidžianti įveikti rampas, slenksčius, nelygumus.
  • Išmanios krovimo pagalbinės sistemos užtikrina saugumą.
  • Nevarginantis darbas sumanių ir patogių funkcijų pagalba.

ERC 214zi/216zi

Galingas elektrinis aukštai keliantis vežimėlis ERC zi standartiškai turi ličio jonų akumuliatorių ir pasižymi visiškai nauju dizainu bei ypač kompaktiška forma. Šis manevringas krautuvas universaliai pritaikomas ir idealiai tinka saugiam krovinių krovimui bei iškrovimui aukštyje iki 6 metrų. Juo galima gabenti prekes vidutiniais ir ilgais atstumais bei puikiai tinka užsakymų rinkimui. Papildomas ratukinių šakių kėlimo mechanizmas leidžia vietoj vieno padėklo paimti du, dėl ko padidėja efektyvumas ir perkrovimo našumas. Dėl didesnės prošvaisos ERC slenksčius, nelygumus ar rampas įveikia be didelio vargo. Išmanios krovimo pagalbinės sistemos leidžia lengvai ir saugiai tvarkyti krovinius. Tvirta, amortizuota stovėjimo platforma ir „smartPILOT“ su automatine centravimo sistema leidžia patogiai krautuvą valdyti viena ranka. Panoraminis stiklas (pasirenkamas) užtikrina gerą matomumą ir neapribotą matymo lauką priekyje.

Ličio jonai

Content Ličio jonai + 5 metai Logotipas
Jokių rūpesčių. Jokio kompromiso.

Jungheinrich ličio jonų garantija „Plus“ užtikrina iki 8 metų garantiją aukštos kokybės akumuliatoriams. Esame tikri dėl jų veikimo ir ilgaamžiškumo. Per 6 mėnesius nuo pristatymo bet kada galite lengvai grįžti prie originalios technologijos.


ERC 216zi Campaign Keyvisual

Boost your warehouse productivity with new thinking, all-round.

The first electric pallet stacker with lithium-ion technology and a revolutionary new truck design.

It’s not always enough just to make things better, sometimes they need to be redefined all-round.The ERC 216zi, the world’s first li-ion stacker truck, shows how it’s done. The lithium-ion battery enables an entirely new and revolutionary truck design. This results in an ultra-compact and extremely manoeuvrable pallet stacker that gives you much better throughput performance even in narrow warehouse surroundings. The new design also provides a fixed platform that protects the driver on three sides and boosts productivity thanks to perfect ergonomics and comfort. On top of these benefits, you get optimum energy efficiency and availability, even in multi-shift operations, thanks to lithium-ion power from Jungheinrich.

Not built around convention, but built to meet your specific needs.ERC 216zi - the electric pallet stacker redefined all-round:

ERC 216zi Campaign

Compact all-round - for faster goods transfer.

Stacker trucks have never been so maneuverable.

The lithium-ion battery in the ERC 216zi enables an entirely new truck geometry with optimum weight distribution, giving the vehicle much more freedom of movement. And despite its ultra-compact dimensions - about 17 cm more compact than a comparable truck with a fixed platform - this unique stacker truck offers improved operational stability, residual capacity and driving characteristics. Its overall operating speed is also higher, without giving the driver additional tasks to perform. The result: far greater potential for better throughput performance.

Benefits of the ERC 216zi in terms of truck design:

  • Ultra-compact and manoeuvrable thanks to a revolutionary vehicle concept with a lithium-ion battery
  • Improved driving characteristics due to optimum weight distribution
  • Improved operational stability and residual capacity ensured by a lower load centre

ERC 216zi Campaign (1)

Ergonomic all-round – for intuitive operation.

Greater driver convenience – improved warehouse productivity.

The revolutionary new vehicle geometry of the ERC 216zi frees up new space for working ergonomically. The fixed platform provides support and convenience, especially during prolonged operating times. The controls are ideally arranged, so drivers can operate the truck intuitively. The easy-to-follow 4-inch screen is recessed in the dashboard panel, and a well-designed storage system lets the drivers customise their working area. The technically refined hydraulic system also assists the driver: the mast entry cushioning system makes smooth work of mast movements, and the raising and lowering action adapts to suit the current load - perfectly, quickly, and with no jerky movements.

Ergonomic benefits of the ERC 216zi:

  • Ideal support and convenience for the driver thanks to the fixed platform
  • Intuitive control due to perfectly arranged controls and a wide range of options
  • A clear view of everything thanks to a 4-inch screen flush-recessed in the dashboard panel
  • More opportunities for customisation ensured by a well-designed storage system

ERC 216zi Campaign (2)

Efficient all around – for top performance in the warehouse.

ERC 216zi Campaign (3)

Stay ahead of the competition with lithium-ion power.

The lithium-ion battery combines perfectly with the vehicle for optimum operation. The benefit offered by the lithium-ion technology, particularly the rapid and intermediate charge with extremely short charging times, gives you the flexibility of use at all times. The ultra-compact structure of the ERC 216zi makes it much more manoeuvrable for the operator, with an impressively high operating speed even in narrow warehouse environments.

Efficiency benefits of the ERC 216zi:

  • Constantly high-performance thanks to the perfect interplay of the lithium-ion battery and truck
  • High truck availability levels due to extremely short charging times
  • More productive time ensured by zero maintenance and no need to replace batteries
  • Up to 8-year guarantee on your lithium-ion battery

ERC 216zi Campaign (4)

Safe all-round – for your employees and your operations.

ERC 216zi Campaign (5)

Protection on all sides combined with maximum freedom of movement.

Despite the small overall dimensions of the truck, the fixed platform of the ERC 216zi with protection on three sides provides the driver with ample room to move. This unique vehicle design is only possible thanks to the lithium-ion technology. The optional panoramic protective roof provides additional protection against falling loads while maintaining optimal upward vision. Many optional assistance systems are available to augment the safety concept of the ERC 216zi. Not only will they increase the precision and speed of your work processes, but also the level of safety for drivers, goods and your warehouse.

Safety benefits of the ERC 216zi:

  • Protection on three sides and maximum freedom of movement thanks to the fixed platform
  • Upward protection and clear vision due to the optional panoramic protective roof
  • Improved safety and productivity allowed by many optional assistance systems

Start the lithium-ion age in your warehouse now!

Arrange a personal consultation today!


Modelio apžvalga

Model Keliamoji galia Kėlimo aukštis Važiavimo greitis Bendras ilgis Akumuliatoriaus įtampa
ERC 214zi 1 400 kg 6 000 mm 12 km/h 2 395 mm 24 V
ERC 216zi 1 600 kg 6 000 mm 12 km/h 2 395 mm 24 V

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