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Stage Eppendorf
warehouseNAVIGATION for clear structure

With the construction of its new plant in Leipzig, Eppendorfer Zentrifugen GmbH is paving the way for a modern production facility with more efficient processes and a focus on its core competencies.

Modern production facility for Eppendorf Zentrifugen in Leipzig ensures greater efficiency in the warehouse and eliminates unnecessary search trips.

With the construction of its new plant in Leipzig, Eppendorfer Zentrifugen GmbH is paving the way for a modern production facility with more efficient processes and a focus on its core competencies.

Eppendorfer Zentrifugen GmbH is a life science company that develops and manufactures systems for use in laboratories worldwide.

No more unnecessary search trips

On a production area of 5,340 square meters and a logistics area of 2,200 square meters, a modern production facility was created in Leipzig that enables Eppendorfer Zentrifugen GmbH  to implement efficient processes and focus on its core competences, CNC technology, final assembly and refrigeration technology.

Jungheinrich's intralogistics concept enables the client to centrally manage and control all processes - from goods in to the provision of goods.

The pallet high-rack storage with 4,200 storage locations and 15.5 metres in height as well as the small part warehouse with 5,848 storage locations are served by a reach truck and a narrow aisle truck.

André Hofmann
Head of Logistics

„Jungheinrich's intralogistics solution has increased profitability and process reliability in the warehouse. Unnecessary search trips are a thing of the past.“

Process reliability sustainably increased 

The Jungheinrich warehouse management system with middleware, the Jungheinrich logistics interface and the assistance system warehouseNAVIGATION have sustainably increased cost-effectiveness and process reliability in the warehouse. By optimising the route to the storage positions, an enormous amount of time is saved and unnecessary search trips are a thing of the past.

The two-stage transport procedure in the warehouse is entirely managed by the Jungheinrich WMS. Incoming goods are immediately scanned and recorded before being taken to the transfer station by reach truck.

This way, storage positions in the narrow aisle warehouse are managed by exact location and are approached semi-automatically using warehouseNAVIGATION. 

Thanks to transponders in the ground, the high rack stacker detects its current position. The position to be approached is then transmitted via the radio data terminal. 

Transparent processes thanks to orderly structure

The orderly structure of the Jungheinrich WMS in conjunction with warehouseNAVIGATION ensures more profitability, more process reliability and more transparency. These combined enable a bundling of goods flows to be achieved.

The result is considerable savings in time because unnecessary search trips are eliminated. And since time is also money, Eppendorfer Zentrifugen GmbH is extremely pleased with its investment.

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